Community of Cultivators
Where Generosity Becomes Beautiful & Generative
Ideagarden Institute, a greenhouse for social enterprises that are transforming the food system, is organizing a “Community of Cultivators” to provide expert guidance to emerging entrepreneurs.
If you are willing to offer your expertise, for an hour, a week, or a year—there are opportunities for you to get involved with some of the most talented, committed and passionate innovators in ways that are sure to be mutually rewarding.​
Won’t you consider joining us?

Community of Cultivators

Four Ways to Dig in:

Ideagarden’s Community of Cultivators provides expert guidance and perspective to the emerging innovators who are leading high-impact social enterprises. We invite you to join this gratifying endeavor by making yourself known on our Linkedin Group page.
Here you can introduce yourself and your particular areas of expertise, and describe the ways you might be of assistance to people who will be grateful for your time and attention.